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Cats and Soup is a cute mobile game that lets you employ cats to cook for your restaurant.
The goal of the game is to earn profit by selling as much soup by building facilities that make the job easier for your feline chefs, as well as collecting recipes and improving their skills by feeding them fish. However, it’s not just all business.
Every employee needs to have a day off when they can relax and have fun. That’s why cats have mini rooms where you can dress them up and decorate their personal space. To decorate them, you’ll need to buy furniture from a shop.
If you’re clueless as to how you can buy furniture in this game, you’re in the right place. This guide tells you how to buy furniture in Cats and Soup.
How to unlock Furniture Shop in Cats and Soup
Everything has to be earned in Cats and Soup, which is why you need to grind and earn enough gold to be able to unlock facilities to do certain activities.
To buy decorations for a cat’s mini room, you’ll need to unlock the furniture shop first. Previously, you could just buy furniture from the item tab. After the game’s update, the way you get furniture has since been changed.

The Hamster Trio is an adorable trio that runs this new furniture shop where you can buy items to decorate your cats’ mini rooms.
If you’re a beginner player, unlocking the furniture shop will take some time. You’ll have to earn enough gold to build the searchlight and more cooking stations. Installing the furniture shop doesn’t cost any gold, but it can only be acquired when you buy the Claw Machine facility for 1000e.
Once you have built the furniture shop, congratulations!

How to Buy Furniture in Cats and Soup
Now that you have a furniture shop, you might get excited and try to start buying furniture from the store’s catalog. Unfortunately, you can’t just buy furniture with gold currency. The only way to buy furniture in the shop is by using furniture coins, which are quite difficult to get.
There are four ways to earn furniture coins: getting them through the Claw Machine, finishing daily missions, randomly receiving them as gifts from cats, or using gems. The fastest way is the latter, however, it does involve using real money to purchase. You can also get 30 gems daily in the gift shop or even more by completing achievements, which can be found in the Quest menu along with the daily quests.
If you don’t like spending money, then the second best way to earn furniture is by using the Claw Machine. Each capsule normally contains 30 furniture coins, and you get five tries daily.

Sometimes the game comes up with an event and releases a coupon code every now and then that gives you furniture coins or gems, so keep an eye out for them.
A recent one is “TOWEROPEN” and it requires you to follow this link, which gives you 1000 furniture coins and also lets you unlock the cat tower. Make sure to update the game prior to that and refresh the game after redeeming the code.
If it doesn’t work, then you’ll have to wait for the next one.

Now that you have enough furniture coins, you can start buying from the Furniture Shop! The system for buying furniture is not straightforward either. You only get to order three furniture items of your liking daily, so you’ll have to be careful and patient when you’re planning to decorate your cat’s mini room. The furniture shop catalog only features a limited amount of items, however, it can be refreshed by watching ads.
There are five categories of decor you can buy in the furniture shop, from tiles, wallpapers, rugs, wall art, and decorations.
There is also a Furniture of the Day that shows up when you enter the shop. Take note that you cannot buy event-limited items from the furniture shop. They will show up in the catalog but it’s only there for display, instead, the item will be labelled as “Not for sale.”
To get event-related furniture, you’ll have to participate in the event itself.
You cannot test out the items before buying them to see if they fit your mini room. If you would like to have a preview, you’ll have to look up videos or go to the Cats and Soup subreddit. You can also ask other players to screenshot their mini rooms with the items you want to get some inspiration.

When you order furniture, they won’t go to your inventory right away. Instead, the items will be built by Mr. Quokka and will be delivered to your mailbox the next in-game day. The time limit will show up on the furniture shop catalog before your order comes.
Once you’ve received your orders, you can now decorate your cats’ mini rooms with the furniture you’ve bought! Just select the cat you want and go to their room.
Select the Decor tab underneath the cat and the furniture you’ve purchased will show up.
And there you have it, that is how you buy furniture in Cats and Soup. We know it can be confusing, especially if you’re new or haven’t played the game for a long time.
The game’s developers have come up with a lot of updates and constantly come up with new ones almost all the time. That’s why we’re here to guide you whenever they do. For helpful guides on Cats and Soup, check out the rest of our articles here and stay tuned for more.